Thursday, May 5, 2011

On a Thursday Sunny day - a little share

Not having much to "share" in the Scrapbooking department today, but after this upcoming weekend I am sure I will be coming back next week with some fun things that I made. This weekend we have our National Scrapbooking Crops over at St-Mary's and just can't wait to get creativity shine after all that rain! Some good times with the girls ( like OVER 50 ladies on Saturday), it's our biggest crop yet!

Have you ever stop and listen to this talented Brit Girl? Adele is her name and I just can say - wow! Love her! She's 23 today! She is so powerful, soulful... a beautiful real woman.

My top 4 favorite songs of her right now are "Make You Feel My Love", "Rolling In the Deep" and her interpretation of "Alone" & "Love Song"

mmmm I will need to ask my computer savvy friends to help me attach Video Links, it's kinda not working right now!

Have a great afternoon and wishing you a fabulous end of week!

Hugs, Stéphanie xo


Kataroo said...

I love listening to rolling in the deep at the start of a run to get me 'rolling' LOL :)

Eklectik_diva said...

Sparkly Princess can show you, it's very easy!